The Transcendence of Time**

by Velemir Radovan

The conceptualization and the abstraction of time, the measurement of time, the physics of time, the philosophy of time, the universe of time, the mythology of time, the religion of time, the history of time – these are several approaches to an abstract vector, of utmost importance, the earthly time. It is useful and necessary only in the space of the planet that we inhabit. These multiple plans for approaching time have revealed both the level of human knowledge at a certain point in time, but also the various stages of the development of the current civilization. I will use a simplistic and pragmatic theoretical simulation. At the level of the common sense of knowledge, I believe in an accessible impact for understanding the approach.

The advanced knowledge of some ancient peoples is relevant: the Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Phoenicians, the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Incas. The axiomatic reference coordinates were the same: the Earth, the Sun and our solar system, the stars in the sky, etc. There were two reference vectors that had been established with certainty on the axis of our time: the year and the Earth day. The other subdivisions of time (that are seven in total) have some different connotations regarding their exact measurement, the name of some subdivisions, etc. during our historical becoming. For example, one second represents „the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the fundamental state of the caesium-133 atom  at rest at 0 K.” / 1 / We all understood!

My approach also identified two concepts that are less used in various analyzes. So we have the Earth Year, the Sothic Year and the Great Year (the movement of our solar system around the 12 zodiacal constellations – 25290 Earth years). The Sothic year that was important for the Egyptians (1460 years) ensured the synchronization of their annual cycle marked by the appearance of Sirius … The opinions of the specialists and researchers are not always symmetrical. According to research, the first Sothic year of the Egyptians was in 11451 BC, which overlaps with the end of the third cycle of the Great Year. In that year, the Milky Way („the river of souls”) overlapped, in the mirror, the Nile. Precise astronomical phenomena allow a certain type of quantification of time, while the Egyptian mythology warns us that at that time (the overlapping of the Sothic Year with the end of a cycle of the Great Year) allowed the East-facing Sphinx to look at a new era, that of Leo. * Even if the accuracy of some astronomical coordinates that were invoked is precise, the natural and societal events on Earth, with predictable character, which will take place in the next time interval, are relatively less known. Are there any explanations? The human mind has insufficient abilities to decipher the celestial mind.

There is not a dispute between the human mind and the celestial mind, but only a human helplessness on the infinite path of knowledge. In the same context, the religious and secular prophecies of all times connect various global catastrophes (their types are not specified) with major impacts on various human civilizations, with certain astronomical events, including certain Sothic Years or the Great Year. Let’s remember the Mayan prophecy. The end of the world in the early 2000s! It did not happen! But, if, for example, we accept a margin of +/- 0.3% of a Great Year, we are in a margin of a possible expectation … Recently, new prophecies or predictions on this subject have started to emerge

The discourse presented can induce a state of certainty in regard to the limits of our knowledge. This perception of the human mind on earthly time pushes us to exclude a certain type of reason and abstraction. If we leave the Earth for various reasons, we will find ourselves in a major time vacuum. The conceptualization of Earth time was achieved by reference to astronomical events or celestial bodies (planets, sun, solar systems, galaxies, etc.). There is no time coordinate in all the components of the fundamental physical universe. So we relate our time to a timeless cosmic material infinity. Logic suggests that the true premises lead to true conclusions. We are not in this situation. We are in a gnoseological trap. We just live in a three-dimensional world … Maybe an example would be relevant here. Let us suppose that a person lives eighty years on Earth, the equivalent of the same number of rotations of the Earth around the Sun (29,200 Earth days). Let’s imagine, by reduction to absurdity, that the same person can live on the planet Pluto for 80 years. Pluto completes a full cycle around the Sun in 88 Earth days. Placing a person on any of the planets of our solar system, by reference to time-specific information pertaining to us, it will create significant differences in calculating the age of those people.

This major impediment is generated by the impossibility of the human mind to understand the structure and functionality of the fundamental physical universe. There, space and time in the human sense do not matter (because they do not exist). The principles we should adhere to are instant and concomitant. Man and the Earth are not a product of the celestial mind, but a part of the fundamental physical universe. We ourselves must also refer to those principles of universal functionality.

The paradigm needs to be changed. We cannot travel on a time axis that does not exist. Let us change the order of reference. Not starting from Earth and towards the fundamental physical universe, but starting from the universe towards our planet. Euphemistically speaking, the cosmos as a whole ensures the physical, energetic, gravitational, and the genetic control and balance over the Earth. More than likely, some multidimensional corridors of different frequencies are already occupied… What is left for human beings? The transplanetary control, the social status since the beginning of civilization?

Does it seem random to you that the various ancient peoples, scattered all over the world have used the same tools and cosmic references mentioned above in order to structure the time on Earth? Did they do it by themselves? Were they helped? … The work hypothesis invoked is that, after thousands of Sothic Earth years, from the perspective of the universal existentiality, we are close to the starting point regarding the terrestrial time.

Final arguments

The human brain reacts instantly and simultaneously to all stimuli received from the outside through the sensory system. We find the same reaction in the case of individual needs expressed in different forms. The statements are limited to all human beings. The principles are identical to those of the functioning of the fundamental universe.

The specialists claim that only 10% of the capacity of the human brain is used in the current physiological structure of human beings. This state limits knowledge only in three-dimensional space and resides in the projection of human DNA. Only another type of DNA would allow us to increase the area of activity of the brain and expand the sensory capabilities. As a work hypothesis, 20% of the current activity of the brain would be enough to „visualize” the magnetic waves and gravity, and a step to the left or right would place us in the existing parallel worlds. All our doubts would be shattered.


  2. * See J. Black, The secret history of the world.
  3. ** Image source: https: //

The text represents the point of view of the author

Sir. Velemir Radovan, Phd.

Sociologist – University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology specialization. PhD. in Social and Political Sciences – Sociology, University of Bucharest.

Jobs in public institutions, education, research.  Publications: books, research, studies, essays.

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