The twentieth century represented the temporal space in which a series of fields of knowledge in the human and social area were subjected to new theoretical and conceptual approaches, but also to the extension of these searches to new areas of interest. Psychology resonated with these expectations. The person represents the initial landmark, but also the final one in psychology, with reference to the other associated social vectors. Psychological phenomena can be unique in various forms of manifestation, but they can also be complex, diverse, and multiple. It is generally accepted that, in any type of society, the person represents the unilateral „source” of mental experience in complex cognitive or communication processes. Many specific experiments began to take place in parallel. The interest in the indirect knowledge of various categories of subjects has increased. The attitude and opinion scales were a first step towards identifying rigor and objectivity in this endeavor.

               From the perspective of social psychology and group psychology, the person is perceived as a cohesive and well-structured ensemble of energetic, intellectual, relational, communicative, etc. components. The first psychological diagrams appeared along various types of tests that tried to measure attention, motility, intelligence, skills, sensitivity, etc. The first personality tests were created, which relate mainly to the person’s character, temperament, motivation and projectivity. H. Rorschach’s research in this field is well known. Other concerns were aimed at optimizing the organization of various social groups. The sociometric tests developed by J.L. Moreno are a reference in this field.

               In the recent decades, driven by a fierce competition with multiple connotations, psychology has evolved, with remarkable results, towards the cognitive, applied and experimental field. During this time, the intelligence tests and the emotional intelligence tests were perfected. The formally used tests are standardized. In parallel, numerous volumes have appeared in the public space, which provide the subjects with test batteries, from the same category as those mentioned above. Each person can assess oneself under the conditions imposed by the authors. P. Carter and K. Russel excelled in this field. We will start our endeavor by providing you with a Social Intelligence test (authored by P. Carter).

Let’s get to know ourselves!


           “ In the following test, please answer YES or NO to each statement, depending on the option that best represents you.

               You have to make a choice for all 32 statements in order to get the most accurate assessment.

               Check the YES box if you agree with the statement or if it defines you, or check the NO box if you do not agree with that statement or you consider that it doesn’t define you.

Sometimes I don’t feel comfortable talking to strangers.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

Sometimes I find it hard to accept people as they are.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I feel at ease in the middle of a crowd of people.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I have done some voluntary activities in my locality or community.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I enjoy participating in group discussions.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I consider important to get involved in the social life at a new job.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I find it difficult to admit that I have made mistakes.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I am not a person who is constantly looking for new experiences and ideas.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I am as interested in the environment as I am in the world in general.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

It’s not easy for me to make friends.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I spend a very small amount of my free time actively socializing with a group of people or attending parties.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I am rarely late for meetings.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I get along well with people of all ages and I enjoy their company.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I always respond promptly to correspondence.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I consciously strive to think before I say or do something.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

It is important for me to try to be aware of the needs and desires of others.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I prefer to talk to one person personally than to a group of more than five people.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I find it difficult to join conversations at social gatherings and I rather tend to listen.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I prefer to have a wide and varied circle of friends and acquaintances.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I rarely make new and lasting friends during the holidays, maybe never.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I prefer to isolate myself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I often seek the advice of others or seek their opinion.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I always phone the people who looked for me in my absence and asked for me to call them back.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I find it very difficult to talk about my feelings.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

When I am in a room full of people at a social gathering, I position myself towards a wall rather than in the center of the room.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I can encourage people to share their problems with me.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

If you want a job to be well done, do it yourself.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I would prefer a job that involves a lot of interaction with people.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

It is more important to know the right people than to have a wide circle of acquaintances.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I can’t say that I look forward to attending large-scale social events, such as weddings.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I’d rather be lonely than sociable.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆

I find it difficult to start a conversation with strangers.

YES 🗆 NO 🗆


For the statements 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 22, 23, 26 and 28, score 2 points for each YES answer and 0 points for each NO answer.

For the statements 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 31 and 32, mark 2 points for each NO answer and 0 points for each YES answer.

Total score 55-64 Exceptionally high social intelligence

Total score 45-54 Very high social intelligence

Total score 37-44 High social intelligence

Total score 33-36 Well above average social intelligence

Total score 29-32 Above average social intelligence

Total score 25-28 Average social intelligence

Total score 21-24 Below average social intelligence

Total score below 20 Low social intelligence

It is increasingly acknowledged that social intelligence is equal in importance to, or even more important than, a high I

….The importance of „Interpersonal Intelligence” (as Howard Gardner, who identified it more than 20 years ago called it), is increasingly acknowledged.

The interpersonal intelligence (relationships with other people) identifies our ability to communicate person to person, our empathic practices, our group practices, our collaboration skills, as well as receiving and transmitting feedback.

Social intelligence (often referred to as “the ability to work with people”) is therefore the ability to establish relationships, get along and react effectively to other people on a daily basis. It allows us to work effectively with co-workers and people in our community and it is an essential skill in the work of many experts, including educators, political and religious leaders, salespeople, and social workers.”

Author: P. Carter,Test Your EQ

The text represents the point of view of the author

Velemir Radovan

Velemir Radovan

Sociologist, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology specialization. Phd. Sociology, University of Bucharest, PhD, Social and Political Sciences. Postgraduate in public administration / civil servants driving /, Organizational Management, National Institute of Administration, Bucharest. DIPLOME POSTUNIVERSITAIRE DE SPECIALISATION EN'' POULATION ET DEVELOPPEMENT'', CENTRE DEMOGRAPHIQUE O.N.U.-ROUMANIE. Certificate diploma, Three-step training program for social child protection specialists, USAID, WORLD LEARNING CHILDNET PROGRAM, UNICEF, CRIPS. Certificate of Developer, DFID, MMSS,BIRKS SINCLAIR&ASSOCIATESLTD.. Other certifications: Project manager. Trainer. Mediator. Expert in social work. . Measuring poverty and social exclusion. Fundamentals of Public Administration. Social Management. Social services development.
Global Goodwill Ambassador. HumanitarianSociologist, Head of Department, Executive Director, General Manager, Labour and Social Security Service, Olt County, ROMANIA. Associate Professor, University of Pitești, Romania.. RESEARCHER, IRSOP-MARKET RESEARCHCONSULTING Ltd., Bucharest. Expert, Birks Sinclair & Associates Ltd, Ministry of Labour, DFID. Member, Executive Secretary, COMMISSION FOR PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN. Executive Secretary, Demography County Commission, OLT. Publications: BOOKS, RESEARCH, STUDIES, ESSEYS.
GRAND KNIGHT AND DEPUTY OF THE DELEGATION OF ROMANIA at ♛ Royal House of MacDonnell Lamont Couto d’ Chandos ✠ ⚜️ 

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