Sâmbăta Monastery is a monastic settlement located in Sâmbăta de Sus area, Brașov County, Romania. It is also called Brâncoveanu Monastery from Sâmbăta de Sus, after its founder. (Constantin Brâncoveanu, Ruler of Wallachia, 1688-1714). It was demolished in 1785 by order of a Habsburg general.

The restoration of the church within the monastic complex began in 1926, and its sanctification took place in 1946 during the reign of King Michael I of Romania.

In 2003, the works at the „Sâmbăta Academy” were completed within this monastic complex. Under the motto „Spirituality, culture, science, art”, conferences and seminars are organized on religious, cultural, scientific and art topics in this location, which operates as an international center. Sâmbăta Academy provides rooms equipped for such events, an amphitheater with 150 seats, a library, simultaneous translation facilities, other services specific to these activities. They can organize exhibitions, and the participants attend religious services. 

At the entrance to the monastic complex we are greeted with the words: „Peace to those who come. Joy to those who remain. Blessings to those who leave.”

The text represents the point of view of the author

Velemir Radovan

Velemir Radovan

Sociologist, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Philosophy, Sociology specialization. Phd. Sociology, University of Bucharest, PhD, Social and Political Sciences. Postgraduate in public administration / civil servants driving /, Organizational Management, National Institute of Administration, Bucharest. DIPLOME POSTUNIVERSITAIRE DE SPECIALISATION EN'' POULATION ET DEVELOPPEMENT'', CENTRE DEMOGRAPHIQUE O.N.U.-ROUMANIE. Certificate diploma, Three-step training program for social child protection specialists, USAID, WORLD LEARNING CHILDNET PROGRAM, UNICEF, CRIPS. Certificate of Developer, DFID, MMSS,BIRKS SINCLAIR&ASSOCIATESLTD.. Other certifications: Project manager. Trainer. Mediator. Expert in social work. . Measuring poverty and social exclusion. Fundamentals of Public Administration. Social Management. Social services development.
Global Goodwill Ambassador. Humanitarian. Sociologist, Head of Department, Executive Director, General Manager, Labour and Social Security Service, Olt County, ROMANIA. Associate Professor, University of Pitești, Romania.. RESEARCHER, IRSOP-MARKET RESEARCHCONSULTING Ltd., Bucharest. Expert, Birks Sinclair & Associates Ltd, Ministry of Labour, DFID. Member, Executive Secretary, COMMISSION FOR PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN. Executive Secretary, Demography County Commission, OLT. Publications: BOOKS, RESEARCH, STUDIES, ESSEYS.

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